KKi (King’s Kids International) is an international movement within YWAM. Our purpose is to mobilize, equip, reach, and care for children, youth, and families in knowing God, bringing Him joy, and making Him known. Our approach is to be family-based and generationally linked as much as possible. 

These are the values that shape KKi:

  • Loving God

  • Discipleship in daily life

  • Children – agents of God’s kingdom

  • Family is important

  • Connecting the generations

  • Teamwork and partnership

  • Reaching out

  • Community


Niko is an outdoor adventure designed to test and strengthen you in the areas of teamwork, leadership, servanthood, and surrender to God. Niko means “I overcome”. A Niko lasts 4–5 days and is aimed at those aged 12 years to adult. It is a great preparation for outreach as well as an opportunity to grow through challenges. Live without screens or other comforts for a few days, learning to trust God as you are stretched to your limits. Find out more at www.ywamwildfire.com/niko

Raising the Joy Level

As part of a missions movement, we love reaching out in creative ways to bring good news to those who haven’t heard it! We also love encouraging all ages of God’s family to join in with this mission together. You’ll find us raising the joy level through circus, play and loads of family fun. Check out pictures of one such example, the Summer Staycation, which we ran in partnership with Saints Nuneaton.

Family Ministry

We believe in the value of family and recognize God’s blueprint for passing on faith and discipling nations in Deuteronomy 6: 4-9. We are passionate about encouraging families to grow in faith together, which we do through Family Encounter camps, family sessions at events like CreationFest, and in facilitating intergenerational worship with local churches. All these we do in partnership with other amazing families.


We are excited about opening doors to share what our faith means to us in local schools. Our team contributes to the life of several schools in our area with assembles, RE lessons, Christian clubs, and Open the Book.

Inter-generational Prayer

We have seen so many young people’s lives shaped by catching God’s heart in intercession. “Come Lord Jesus” is a global prayer relay designed to bring the generations together to pray for nations. Along with our friends Olly & Helen Goldenberg at Children Can, we have seen up to 50 nations participate in this prayer movement. Find out more at www.cljprayer.com

Youth Group

Our weekly youth group draws young people from the area who want to grow and be encouraged in their faith. We welcome those who come from church backgrounds and those who don’t. Quite a number of attendees have been part of our after-school clubs or events and want to stay connected. We value good relationships with our young people’s families, fostered through shared meals and parents’ prayer times. Currently the group meets on Wednesdays, 6.30-8.30 pm at The Kings Lodge.


Deluge is a gathering of young people crying out for a wave of God's love and power in their generation. It's about prayer, worship, and mission, with times in God's presence and opportunities to reach out to friends and the local community with the good news.

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KKi is leading the generations to live out the answer.

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